Project Case Study TeamAware!

TeamawareTeamAware: Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality in the service of emergency workers

The Resilience Advisors Network based in Ireland is delighted to be part of the new Horizon Europe project "TeamAware".

TeamAware enhances crisis management, flexibility and reaction capability of first responders from different sectors by using highly standardised augmented reality and mobile human machine interfaces.

The aim of this innovative project is to develop an integrated and cost-efficient situational awareness system for first responders from different sectors with heterogeneous and hardly interoperable sensor units, including drone mounted, wearable and external sensor systems.

First responders are the groups of people, services and organisations with specialised skills and qualifications, whose duty is to arrive first to the emergency zone, rescue operations, and perform crisis management in natural or human-made disasters. These real-life heroes are the firefighters, the emergency medical services, and the law enforcement agencies. Depending on the impact and effect of the disaster, the sectors react to the emergency event individually as well as together. Their duty is hard and critical since lives and valuable assets are in the focus of their operations, under high level of stress and uncertainty. For instance, the first responders were the first victims infected by the previously unknown SARS virus, when they cared for patients infected by the virus. That is why the first responders need to be protected, connected, and fully aware of the emergency event so that they can efficiently and effectively save and rescue lives without exposing their lives or the operation to risks.

Although first responders provide secure and safe societies by protecting the communities, responding to the disasters and rescuing lives, they often use inefficient, weak and obsolete technologies in the operations. With respect to the current situation, the operational capabilities of the first responders can be dramatically boosted by the advances in technology and engineering fields such as smart sensor systems, wearables, data processing, data fusion, data analytics, communication infrastructure, and artificial intelligence tools.

According to the gap-analysis in "The International Forum to Advance First Responder Innovation" (IFAFRI), there are four topics which arise namely:

  • Real-time localisation and real-time monitoring of first responders team members
  • Detection of surrounding threats and risks
  • Fusion of information from several types of sources
  • Presentation of fused information via user-friendly displays>/li>

The kick-off for the project took place on the 5th and 6th of May. The project itself will have a duration of 36 months. TeamAware is a funded project by the EU under H2020 under Grant Number 101019808 comprised of an international consortium featuring 24 partners in the fields of academia, industry and end-users, from 13 countries

Current Activity:

The RAN Team are currently working on Deliverable 2.1, providing an Analysis of the strategic and operational context of the work of the first responders for which the tools of the TeamAware projects will be developed.

It describes the operational and strategic documents, handbooks and policy framework regarding the situation and trends in disaster management relevant for the Team Aware project This context will drive the system and scenario design in other WP2 tasks and will be the basis for the scenarios in the validation trials of WP 13.

The document is mean as a reference document for the scientist working on the development of the tools

The description is guided by the European overview of man-made and natural disasters which gives and overview of the common disaster risk in Europe. This overview of risk is a summarization and analysis of the national risk assessments of all countries participating in the Union civil protection Mechanism.

The information is gathered based on a triangulation of available policy document, literature guidelines and handbooks and information from the countries from which first responders and law enforcement agencies are involved in the project1. We added one country (Denmark) in the descriptions to assure a European wide overview. As no Northern European Country was involved in the project.

The deliverable contains and analysis of the general international and national policy frameworks, guidelines, handbooks, protocols, operational doctrines relevant for first responders. Covering both the generic relevant frameworks as well as the scenario specific frameworks.

The coordinator of the project is Software Imagination & Vision (SIMAVI) from Romania, and the technical coordinator is Havelsan Hava Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS from Turkey.

Other Partners include:


We stand ready to discuss any research needs you may have and to engage you in our existing projects should the opportunity arise. Please contact us for a discussion

Research (eg Horizon Europe)

Even the most academic research benefits from practitioner workpackages adding credibility. In support of consortium goals, we build such workpackages specifically to add value to research proposals through the EU's Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes

Specialising in Secure Society and Disaster Resilience programmes, we're always happy to discuss supporting your project and to take your lead as to the scale of involvement.

EuropeAid, UK Aid, US Aid

We are trusted and favoured partners supporting grant applications/bids and delivery of Humanitarian and disaster prevention AID programmes

European Civil Protection Mechanism

We design highly-compelling proposals and work packages for bids and tenders using the practical aand authoring skills of experts who have been involved in successful projects for many years


The overall goal of RESILOC is to identify new strategies for improving on the processes of preparedness of local communities against any kind of hazards, either planned or unplanned. The project aims at bringing together the validity and experience of local communities and the strategies and commitment of national and supra-national actors to achieve a tangible impact on the way resilience is understood and increased in local communities.Click here for the project website


ImProDiReT is a 2-year project funded (75%) by the Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO). The project objective is to generate new approaches and methods for the joint development of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies involving multiple stakeholders around a specific case in the Transcarpathian region, in western Ukraine.


We're involved in several pojects in support of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. A complete review of the certification process for response modules ahs recently completed and our evaluation of definitions, costs and gaps within the Mechanism has recently published on the Commission's website Click here for review details and updates or here for direct download of the review report

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