The Resilience Advisors Network

Who we are The International Resilience Team

The Network comprises of more than 100 top resilience and civil protection experts from across the World - all experienced directors and leaders in their own right and many bringing-to-bear the strength and pedigree of many years of operating in their own specialised fields.

Selected by the Network's Directors, each advisor and partner is well-known and respected in their own field and comes professionally recommended with a proven and documented record of success.

Advisors have been selected from a broad range of disciplines to best support the consortium outcomes you are seeking be that for the devopment of world-class guidance, training or trainer provision, disaster exercise management, Mechanism research projects or any other critical resilience-related project delivery.

Your initial contact will be with one of the Directors. They will work with you to understand your needs and opportunities and discuss with you the most appropriate available support. The Network approach will then ensure that you get a bespoke team comprising of only the very best!

It is this unique approach that means you get top quality support to leverage benefit for your project. Importantly, it will also open doors for further business opportunities for you on the back of your current prospects.

Caglar Akgungor

Dr Caglar Akgungor
Political Scientist & USAR Specialist

Social & political dimensions of risk and disasters

Jose Almodovar

Jose Almodovar
Forest Fire Expert

Specialist in National and International wildfire strategy

Paul Amos

Paul Amos
Flood & Disaster Management

A vastly experienced disaster manager, trainer and mountain leader

Leif Andren

Leif Andren
EU, UN & NATO Specialist

Rescue, Education, Training and Disaster Manager

Paul Ankrett

Paul Ankrett
Aviation & Transport

Acknowledged as the UK lead for transforming aviation fire & rescue services through technology

Steve Apter

Steve Apter QFSM
Fire & Governance Specialist

Highly respected strategic leader responsible for significant structural and cultural change

Darryl Ashford-Smith

Darryl Ashford-Smith
Search & Rescue Expert

Expert in specialist rescue and international disaster response

Timo Baader

Timo Baader
Resilience Specialist

Specialist in Crisis, Business and IT Service Continuity

Marcus Beale

Marcus Beale
Policing, CT and leadership Specialist

Police and Security Development, Academic and Improvement Specialist

Peter Bennett

Peter Bennett
Security, Counter Terror and Risk Management

Specialist in Critical Infrastructure, the protection of crowded places and more.

Gasper Bizjak

Gasper Bizjak
Fire & Rescue Expert

Specialist in Emergency Response and Fire Station Management

Martin Blaker

Martin Blaker
Marine Rescue & Flood Management

Hugely experienced and Internationally deployed RNLI water rescue expert

Mark Bond

Mark Bond
Policing & Security Specialist

Training Consultant, Teacher, Close Protection/Security Consultant

Trevor Botting

Trevor Botting
Policing & Security Specialist

Executive leader within high profile risk-based public services

Andrew Bradley

Andrew Bradley
Crisis and Emergency Management

Humanitarian, HSE, Crisis Manager & Emergency Response Specialist

Adrian Brown

Adrian Brown FIFireE MBA
Fire Safety Risk Assessment

Director of Prevention and Protection

Philip Buckle

Philip Buckle
Disaster Risk & Climate Change

Social impact, vulnerability and resilience specialist

Roy Carter

Roy Carter
Strategic Legal Advisor

Emergency Service Legal Risk and Management Specialist

Paolo Cavaliere

Paolo Cavaliere
Expert in disasters, DRR and crisis management

Public Policy, Training, Leadership and Disaster Management

Andy Champness

Andy Champness
Legal and Governance Expert

Executive leadership and management of law enforcement and public authorities

Steve Chatfield

Dr Steve Chatfield
Expert in Infectious Disease

40 years developing and commercialising public health interventions

Derek Cheevers

Derek Cheevers
Operations & Exercise planning

Crisis management, incident command and exercise planning expert

Robert Chilcott

Prof Robert Chilcott
CBRNe & Toxicology

Research and policy development within the international CBRN community

Loh Eng Choon

Loh Eng Choon
Singapore & Asian Lead Expert

Operations, Fire Safety & Training specialist

John Chubb

John Chubb
Fire & Safety

Specialist in Firefighting, policy development and Incident Command

Simon Churchill

Simon Churchill
Hazardous Area and CBRNe

Specialist in Detection, Identification, Monitoring and Hazardous Area Working

Alex Clark

Alex Clark
Strategic Change Leadership

Proven track record for combinations/take-overs, re-shapes and organisational transformation

Amanda Coleman

Amanda Coleman
Crisis Communications

Expert managing crises including terrorism and public disorder.

Lee Comley

Lee Comley
CBRN Expert

Multi-agency specialist delivering CBRN policy, guidance and Training.

Paul Connelly

Paul Connelly
Strategic Prevention & Response

Experienced Chief Fire Officer and Change-Maker

Marco Corstjens

Marco Corstjens
Civil / Military Coordination

Specialising in the interphase between Civil & Military agencies Worldwide

Jenny Cosgrave

Jenny Cosgrave
Trainer and facilitator

Community-led resilience and humanitarian response

Tom Crellin

Tom Crellin
Community Disaster Response

Information Security, Business Continuity and Emergency Planning

David Crouch

Prof David Crouch
CBRN Professional

Qualified Chemist, CBRN expert and Standardisation Specialist

John Curtin

John Curtin
Climate Resilience Professional

Specialist in preparation, planning and responding to major incidents

Naomi Dake

Naomi Dake
Coaching and Development

Leadership and Organisation Development Specialist

Richie Davis

Richie Davis
Senior Fire Service Manager

Assessment, Training and Development Specialist

Marc Devalckeneer

Marc Devalckeneer

Specialising in Operational Logistics

Maksimiljan Dhima

Maksimiljan Dhima
Civil Engineer

Emergency, Disaster and Risk Management Specialist

Mark Diggins

Mark Diggins
Avalanch Prevention & Control

Specialising in active management of mass snow movement and mountain risks

Lee Doddridge

Lee Doddridge
Policing & Security

Specialist in Security, Counter Terror and Risk Management

Stuart Donald

Stuart Donald QPM
Policing & Road Safety

Strategic Policing specialist and Chairman of 'IAM RoadSmart'

Rob Doran

Rob Doran
Preparedness & Resiience

Government, emergency responders, businesses and voluntary organisation specialist.

Tuul Dorjderem

Tuul Dorjderem
Local Project Manager

Specialising in project management South East Asia (esp Mongolia)

Jeff Dulin

Jeff Dulin
US Market Specialist

Helping UK Companies to understand how US emergency services operate

Adam Eckley

Adam Eckley
Organisational Development

Capacity Development & Structural Reform

Emily Elderfield

Emily Elderfield
Project Communications

Multilingual communication and cross-cultural collaboration specialist

Rut Erdelyiova

Rut Erdelyiova
DRR Expert

Development of institutional and communication strategies

Martin Evans

Martin Evans
Policing Specialist

Strategic Police Commander with High level (DV) security clearance

Martin Fisher

Martin Fisher
Humanitarian Expert

Humanitarian Response and Planning Specialist

Chris Gannon

Chris Gannon
South American Lead

specialising in the review and reform of Fire / Rescue and Disaster Management agencies

 José María García Gonzalo

José María García Gonzalo
R&D - Innovation Management

Experienced R&D Project Manager & Business Developer

Neil Gibbins

Neil Gibbins QFSM
Fire Regulation

Past President and CEO of the Institution of Fire Engineers.

Peter Glerum

Peter Glerum
Global Director of RAN

Specialising in international disaster programmes

Grégory Gomez del Prado

Grégory Gomez del Prado
Policing & Security

International Inteligence Specialist

Marek Gottfried

Marek Gottfried
Fire & Emergency Response

Specialising in Central and Eastern Europe emergency response

Ben Hall

Ben Hall
Logistics Manager

Specialising in facilities, safety and administration for the Network

Jon Hall

Jon Hall QFSM
MD - Risk & Resilience

Emergency & disaster specialist. Former head of UK fire & rescue service resilience

Dean Harris

Dean Harris MSc
International Response

Practitioner SAR Expert & Safety / Security Specialist

Mike Harris

Mike Harris
Explosive Hazards Expert

operational leadership of security related organisations

Andreas Hattinger

Andreas Hattinger
EMT Specialist

Trainer and Lecturer for EU Civil Protection Mechanism

Phil Healy

Phil Healy
Police & Security Specialist

Intelligence, Firearms and Police Training Advisor

Chris Hillier

Chris Hillier
Tech Entrepreneur

Global experience of business development, product development & more

Jürgen Högl

Jürgen Högl
Disaster and Crisis Management

humanitarian aid, crisis and emergency management

Craig Hooper

Craig Hooper
Health and Pre-hospital Management

Strategic leader with significant executive-level experience

Mark Hope

Mark Hope
NATO Training Specialist

Former Royal Navy & NATO trainer

Marthe Huibers

Marthe Huibers
Behavioural Expert

Behavioral and trainer/consultant Crisis Management

Pavel Ivanov

Pavel Ivanov
Fire & Rescue

Advanced technician and training Specialist

Gary Jeffery

Gary Jeffery
Emergency Planning

Emergency Service and Business Continuity Specialist

Constance Jacobs

Constance Jacobs
Fire & Rescue

Operational and Tactical Leadesrhip specialist

Alicia Johnson

Alicia Johnson MPA
Planning & Preparedness

Human-centered design, disaster resilience and exercise development

Andie Johnson-Mitchell

Dr Andie Johnson-Mitchell
Technology & Defence

Shaping and influencing high profile opportunities

Vlatko Jovanovski

Vlatko Jovanovski
Disaster Risk Management

Key Expert and experienced Project Manager

Himmet Karaman

Dr Himmet Karaman
Earthquake & GIS Expert

Engineering specialist - Earthquake Risk Management and Urban Improvement.

Phil Kay

Phil Kay
Policing & Leadership Specialist

Executive Police Leadership, Firearms and Intelligence background

Mariam Khardziani

Mariam Khardziani
In-country Project Facilitator

Project enabling specialist supporting RAN in Georgia

Tamari Khardziani

Tamari Khardziani
In-country Project Facilitator

Project enabling specialist supporting RAN in Georgia

Désirée Kok

Désirée Kok
Project Support Officer

Planning, logistic and administrative project support

Nikos Kokkotas

Nikos Kokkotas
Capacity Development Expert

Lead for Greek Civil Protection and Incident Management

Petek Kovanci Shehrin

Petek Kovanci Shehrin
Programme Management Expert

Lead for Turkish Disaster Management Programming

Luis Laguna

Janek Laev
Call Management Specialist

Expert in operationalising Information Management systems.

Luis Laguna

Luis Miguel Laguna Megal
Geotechnical Specialist

Expert in Geohazards for Resilient Cities and Infrastructures.

Markus Lampe

Markus Lampe
Logistics Specialist

Expert in Commercial & humanitarian logistics and supply chains

Craig Lapsley

Craig Lapsley
Strategic Leadership & Change

Experienced and creditable emergency management/public safety leaders

Leo Latasch

Leo Latasch
Medical Response Specialist

Expert in European emergency medical resilience

Robert Leach

Robert Leach
Police IT Advisor

A strong pedigree with police transformation programmes particularly major IT infrastructure migration.

Andrew Ledgerton-Lynch

Andrew Ledgerton-Lynch OBE
Media & Communications Expert

The UK's most highly honoured fire and rescue journalist

Debbie Lewis

Debbie Lewis
European Co-ordination

Assisting responding organisations with their strategic orientation.

Rasmus Lindboe

Rasmus Lindboe
Disaster Communications

Strategic communication in regions of conflict or natural disasters.

Gary Locker

Gary Locker
Policing & Security

Specialist in Resilience Planning & Business Continuity

Meindert Louwsma

Meindert Louwsma
Training & Exercising

A specialist in Fire & Rescue training design and design.

Josh Macabuag

Dr Josh Macabuag
Disaster Risk Engineer

Catastrophic Risk Modeling & Engineering for USAR.

Gordon MacMillan

Gordon MacMillan
Crisis & Disaster Training

A specialist in International Disaster Training.

Cristiano Mandra

Cristiano Francesco Mandrà
Crisis & Disaster Expert

A specialist in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience.

Marga Martin Sanchez

Marga Martín Sánchez
EU projects specialist

Critical Infrastructure Protection, risk management and feasibility analysis

Lorenzo Massucchielli

Lorenzo Massucchielli
Emergency & Crisis Manager

Expert in Situational Awareness and Planning

Monika Mastisova

Monika Mastisova
International Fire Safety Expert

European Fire Safety Inspection and standards specialist

Richard McGonigle

Richard McGonigle
Executive Coach

Coach and a lawyer with over 25 years experience

Kenny Meesters

Kenny Meesters
International Information Manager

Researcher in crisis and disaster information management.

Sjirk Meijer

Sjirk Meijer
Industrial Safety Specialist

Industrial Safety and Disaster Risk Assessment expert

Ian Metcalf

Ian Metcalf
Outsourcing & Defence

Ian has a remarkable track-record working on numerous major defence procurement programmes.

Robert Mikac

Robert Mikac
Security Expert

Assistent Professor, Faculty of political science at the University of Zagreb

David Miller

David Miller
Leadership, Security and Resilience

Experienced 0perational leader in public and private sectors

Alan Mills

Alan Mills MBE
Professional Geographer

Specialits in GIS and Mapping

Davide Miozzo

Davide Miozzo
EWS Specialist

Early Warning Systems and Civil Protection expert

Ilias Mitsoulas

Ilias Mitsoulas
International CBRNe Expert

Experienced 0perational CBRNe Practitioner and project partner

Daniel Modoaca

Daniel Modoaca
Emergency & Deisaster Expert

A well experienced specialist in disaster preparedness and response

Carlos Molina Hutt

Carlos Molina Hutt
Professor in Civil Engineering

Specialist in Structural and Earthquake Engineering

Bram Monnier

Bram Monnier
Crises and Disaster Trainer

Complex Training and Exercise Specialist

Sean Moore

Sean Moore
Search & Rescue Specialist

INSARAG & Civil Protection Mechanism Expert

Katie Muldoon

Katie Muldoon
Leadership Transition and Personal Coach

Specialising in psychodynamic and person centred approaches

Rob Munro

Rob Munro
Project Communication & Dissemination

Specialist in Horizon and EC project communications

Bryan Nelson

Bryan Nelson
Emergency Management

Disaster and Emergency Management Specialist

Paul Netherton

Paul Netherton
Policing & Resilience Specialist

A specialist in strategic resilience and Government affairs

Gavin Newton

Gavin Newton
Emergency Management and Coordination

Conflict and non-conflict emergency management

Claire Oatway

Claire Oatway
Leadership Specialist

Leadership Guru Empowering Executives Entrepreneurs to Achieve More

Anders Öberg

Anders Öberg
Training Specialist

Supporting Crsis Management Training events across the Union

Gisli Olafsson

Gisli Olafsson
Crisis Leadership Expert

Disaster management and humanitarian response lead with extensive global experience

Jan Olsen

Jan Olsen
Civil Protection Expert

Active in European Civil Protection Mechanism and certification of Modules

Abby Onencan

Abby Onencan
Disaster Risk Management

Disaster Risk Governance and Water Resources Management

Declan O'Shea

Declan O'Shea
Fire & Rescue Operations

Technical domestic & industrial fire operations specialist

Marcus Oxley

Marcus Oxley
Humanitarian Coordinator

'Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction'

Eleanor Parker

Dr Eleanor (El) Parker
Risk, Resilience & Society

Risk, Preparedness & Response, DRR & Reconstruction

Brij Patel

Dr Brij Patel
Pharmacuetical Regulatory Advisor

Consultant in Medical Counter Measure regulation

Han Pelster

Han Pelster
Disaster & Security Advisor

Consultant in crisis, disaster and security management

Kinga Perge

Kinga Perge
Disaster Trainer & Advisor

INSARAG and EU Civil Protection Expert

Keith Phillipson

Keith Phillipson
Training Management

Specialist in training content development

Steve Photiou

Steve Photiou MD
Disaster & Emergency Specialist

Senior Physician in emergency and disaster medecine

Michael Porsgaard

Michael Porsgaard

Specialist in education and training, civil protection & disaster risk reduction

Davor Predavec

Davor Predavec
IoT Specialist

Expert in integration of Emergency Management with IoT solutions

Kevin Purcell

Kevin Purcell
Policing Specialist

Policing and Security Solutions

Dave Ramscar

Dave Ramscar
International Search & Rescue

Recent Fire Chief and UK overseas deployment lead for UK ISAR & UK AID

Richard Rehak

Richard Rehak
International Firefighter

Specialist fire officer and EU trainer

Josef Riener

Josef Riener
Disaster Risk Specialist

Disaster relief, humanitarian aid and emergency management expert

James Ritchie

James Ritchie
DRR executive leadership

Specialist in International Development, environment, water and mining sectors

Johanna Rixer

Johanna Rixer
Communications Professional

Specialist in communications for Disaster Risk Management in EU funded projects

Paul Rock

Paul Rock
International Certificatione

EU Civil Protection Mechanism Specialist

Di Roskilly

Diane (Di) Roskilly
Coach & Mentor

Professional Coach Leadership & Development

Simon Routh-Jones

Simon Routh-Jones CBE QFSM
Fire Rescue & Governance

Senior Local Authority and Civil Service Leadership

Nicola Rupp

Nicola Rupp
Disaster & Crisis Management

Supporting the preparation, execution and evaluation of Trials, FTX etc.

Phil Russell

Phil Russell
Health Care Professional

Qualified CBRNe instructor trained at the UK Police National CBRNe Centre

Marcelo Sabanes

Marcelo Sabanes
Making Cities Resilient

Project and Programme Management, Process Re-engineering, Urban Sustainable

Katja Samuel

Katja Samuel
Disaster Law Specialist

Military, commercial, academic and civil society lawyer

Zeynep M. Turkmen Sanduvak

Zeynep M. Turkmen Sanduvac
Risk Reduction Advisor

Senior risk reduction training and education professional

Guido Schanz

Guido Schanz
TAST Specialist

Supporting and advising project management teams with bid writing

Jurgen Schreiber

Jürgen Schreiber
Disaster Medicine Specialist

emergency planing, crisis management and Business Continuity

Sjaak Seen

Sjaak Seen
UNDAC Expert

Senior Consultant and project manager in the field of Civil Protection & Protective security

Kathy Settle

Kathy Settle
Risk & Emergency Management

Strategic leader with extensive resilience experience

Dave Sheppard

Dave Sheppard
Marine & Offshore Operations

National lead for deployable offshore maritime firefighting

Chris Singer

Chris Singer
Police & Security Lead

Recently Assistant Chief Constable, now Chris leads on issues relating security and high threat environments

Jagtar Singh

Professor Jagtar Singh OBE
Executive Leadership

Experienced & passionate Equality, Diversity, Inclusion Consultant

Sue Southern

Sue Southern QPM
Serious & Organised Crime

Counter Terrorism, Leadership, Volunteer Mentor. Former Assistant Chief Constable & Deputy Director NCA

Magdalena Stefanska

Magdalena Stefanska
Humanitarian Aid Specialist

Humanitarian aid, civil protection & scientific research

Dan Stephens

Dan Stephens
Fire & Rescue Specialist

Strategic Service reform and international operations

David Stewart

David Stewart
Policing, Security and Resilience

World-renowned specialist in Crisis and Disaster Management.

Howard Stone

Howard Stone
Critical Asset Protection

ESMCP/ESN Transition Assurance and Transition

Mark Strutt

Mark Strutt
Product Manager

A strong practical Fire Officer and Rescue Technician experienced in training, exercising and equipment demonstration

Tayisiya Symochko

Tayisiya Symochko
Ukrainian & CEE Expert

Project Manager & International Economic Relations Specialist

Zoltán Székely

Zoltán Székely
Policing & Security

Law Enforcement, International security & Lawyer

Petteri Taitto

Petteri Taitto
Training Needs Analysis and Evaluation

Crisis Management and Humanitarian Response scientist

Christopher Tan

Christopher Tan
Singapore & Asian Fire Expert

Fire Safety advocate, practitioner, educator and trainer

Ebru Taskin

Ebru Taskin
International Communications

Visibility, communication actions, public information and awareness-raising expert

Jason Taylor

Jason Taylor
International Security

Strategic and tactical international policing and security expert

Jorge Terrones

Jorge Terrones
Disaster Risk

Disaster Risk Reduction and Business Continuity specialist

Louis Tetreault

Louis Tetreault
Security & Defence

North Africa High Value Asset & Mining Security Specialist

Geraint Thomas

Geraint Thomas
Coaching Specialist

Leaning and development for individuals and corporations

Rene Toft

Rene Toft
Preparedness Specialist

Implementing Resilience in Healthcare Organizations

Emanuela Toto

Emanuela Toto
DRR Research Specialist

Involved in EU and UN projects in the fields of DRR and CC

Andy Towler

Andy Towler
Law Enforcement

Specialist in policing and disaster management

John Twigg

John Twigg
DRR Expert

disaster risk reduction, resilience and sustainable development

Eda Tuzemen

Eda Tuzemen
Inter'l Education Expert

training policy development in disaster and emergency management

Lorenzo van Wijk

Lorenzo van Wijk
EU Research Specialist

Consultant for the Major Accident Hazards Bureau

Valentyn Voloshyn

Valentyn Voloshyn
Ukrainian & CEE Expert

Project Management and Stakeholder Involvement Specialist

Terry Webb

Terry Webb
EU Specialist

Very experienced Mission team member and Network trainier

Chris van Weverwijk

Chris van Weverwijk
Fire & Rescue Specialist

Fire Trainer | Advisor | Management

Yvonne White

Yvonne White
Crisis Communications

Corporate Comms Professional specialising in crisis communications and reputational resilience

Dr Peter Wilkinson

Dr Peter Wilkinson
Fire & Risk Engineer

Complex fire engineering projects and risk engineering surveys

Gavin Williams

Gavin Williams
Policing & CBRNe

Specialist in strategic command and organisational change

Mick Williams

Mick Williams
Organisational Culture

Specialist in People, Change, and Leadership

Grenville Wilson

Grenville Wilson
Policing Specialist

Public Order, Public Safety and Multi-Agency Strategic Command Training

Bruce Wong

Bruce Wong
Capacity Development Advisor

Safety and emergency management consultant in Hong Kong and mainland China.

Tomasz Zweglinski

Tomasz Zweglinski
Fire & UCPM Expert

Academic leading the Main School of Fire Service, Poland

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